Friday, October 9, 2009

Health Tips For Everybody

Here are some easy health tips to help you and your family maintain good health.
Make it a daily effort to move more than you did the previous day. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Take your dog for a walk. Chase your children, toss the ball around with friends. Mow the lawn. If you can do anything to move your body, do it. You don't have to go to the gym - just use your legs and your arms more than you usually do.
Cut out fat from your diet. Avoid fatty meats and burgers. Eat low-fat versions of cream, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and ice cream. Eat limited amounts of sauces, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, sandwich meats and nuts. Most foods are now available in low or limited-fat versions, so try them out.
Stop smoking. Since as far back as 1960, when the United States Surgeon General announced that smoking is bad for you, many Americans have been trying to cut back on their use of tobacco products. Unfortunately, smoking is not down in adolescents and teens. We need to teach our children not to smoke - it's one of the most important health tips you can hand down.
Try to reduce the stress you face on a day to day basis. That's easier said than done, but you can use stress busters to help. You can think thoughts that are positive, or spend a half hour walking in the park or soaking in a hot tub. You may opt to get a facial or a haircut, or get a massage - those can be quite relaxing. Meditate, try not to get aggravated if you can avoid it. Avoiding difficult people can help in this area. If you see red, think pink instead - it's a more relaxing color,
Get away from pollution. This is one of the health tips that everyone can benefit from. Avoid smog whenever you can, like smoke-filled rooms. Stay out of high-traffic areas, stay away from breathing highway fumes, and don't exercise in high-traffic neighborhoods. DO exercise outside when the smog level is low, but exercise indoors when there is a lot of smog. Plant shrubbery in your yard or common area, and grow plants inside, to help take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.
When you drive, or ride in a car, always wear your seat belts. You will probably live longer, based on statistics. They can help to add to the chance of not being seriously injured if you are in a wreck.
Avoid drinking excessively. One glass of wine may be helpful to your overall health, in lowering your risk of heart disease, but more than that can cause problems in your kidneys and liver.
Follow these simple health tips and live longer!

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